Friday, July 12, 2019

Day 5 {Pikes Peak and Shopping in Manitou and Old Colorado City}

Our Tuesday started with this on our agenda. 
The summit of Pikes Peak. 

We typically take the Cog Train to the summit which is a gorgeous and safe ride. 
It's currently under construction so unless we wanted to hike to the top, we had to drive. 
I had a little pit in my stomach because I have done this before when I was younger and got car sick. 
We found this little spot on the way up and it had gorgeous views so we stopped to take a few pics and for a potty break. 

We continued our trek to the top and this is where is turned bad. Ha!
I have a horrific fear of heights. The road is twisty and turning and 90% of it doesn't have guard rails. 
I literally had a full blown panic attack and had to stop in the middle of the road to switch drivers. 
I laid in the back seat with a blanket over my head the rest of the way. Hahaha!!
This is the only picture of Ava from the summit. 
While I was better, Ava took a drastic turn. 

We went in to get some of the world famous donuts and this is when I realized how bad Ava really was. 

She had been hit with altitude sickness. I googled the symptoms and she had every single one. 
She was dizzy, horrible headache, vomiting and shaking uncontrollably. 
We immediately got her some water and took her to the car to lay down. I sat in the car with her for a few minutes while John snapped some pictures. 

Uncle Nate came over to the car and hung out with Ava so we could get a quick picture with the summit sign. 

We took off right after this picture just to get Ava on lower ground. Poor girl passed out finally and slept the entire way down. 

We stopped half way down for a mandatory break check and found our brakes were too hot and they made us pull off for a half hour to let them cool. It actually was good because it gave Ava a little more time to snooze. 

Once we got back to normal ground, Ava was a completely different person. 
She recovered immediately. But I still kept pouring water down her throat!
We spent the rest of the day shopping in Manitou Springs and had lunch.

This is also where the girls made this amazing purchase. 
We had SO MANY laughs this week with these puppets. 
Meet Sally Seashore and Harry Beamer. 

We also spent some time and took this fabulous photo!

After Manitou we headed to Old Colorado City for more shopping. 

Also home to the very first Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory!

It was pretty funny because Addy took her puppet everywhere and would make us hold the puppets hands while crossing the street instead of hers!

After our shopping excursion we headed over to visit with my Aunt Carol where I don't have one single photo. But I have some from later in the trip. 
We finished off our day with Mexican food and a much needed margarita. 

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