Tuesday, July 30, 2019

YMCA Storer Camp

Sunday we dropped off Ava to Storer Camps in Jackson, MI and won't pick her up until Friday. 
Luckily she is with BFF, Roz. 

We checked in and took a few pics. 

And mandatory head checks.

Then we walked them to their cabin. 
They are staying in Ewing. 

This is their counselors. Julia and Lily (I think?)

Their bunks!

After we dropped them off we walked down to the Lake and checked out the area where they will be swimming. 

 We came home and Addy immediately made mail for Ava and Roz. 
We will give it to them when we pick them up because it probably won't get to them in time. 

Stay tuned for the report!

Never Gonna Get It

We've been laying low as I heal but we did venture out this weekend. 
First up Heather and I went downtown for the En Vogue concert. 
It was a great show! 

The next day we joined Grandpa, Tina, and Aunt Emily for lunch and The Lion King! 
It was so good!! We loved it!

They're Home!!

The Do's are home from China! 
We spent some much needed time together on Friday afternoon. 
The girls enjoyed this goodies, especially their Delta  Airlines slippers! 

Ava Kate

Poor little Ava Kate had a rough week. 
The day after her big birthday bash was her well check. 
Everything went really well but she had to get 2 shots. 
She took them like a trooper, a far cry from the little 2 year old that would scream hysterically. 

The day after she had to have a dental procedure. 
The orthodontist truly downplayed this procedure to me and I'm mad that I didn't research it more. 
What should have taken 30 minutes took 2 hours and 45 minutes. 
She had to have some adult teeth exposed. But because of her cleft, it was pretty invasive. 
She was miserable for days and had horrible swelling. 

Then her toe. This was probably the most dramatic out of everything. Ha! 
She was horsing around in the driveway and she stubbed her toe. 
But...she tore off about 3/4 of her toenail. 
I'll spare you the picture. 

It was a rough week with lots of Tylenol but she is on the upswing. 

Guest Post by Addy Grace

i      love        you            addy       mom   dad      ava    elln    roz      molly   nana       chasc       emily     nate      tammy     ???? i   love   you       houghtaling      happy    day    good     day      ???     i  sad    i   happy     now      i   paly    tik tok! er

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Happy 11th Birthday, Ava Kate!

Ava Kate turned 11. 
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. 
She was so happy and excited for her big day!! 
Since this was only four days post op for me, we opted to have the party at the local trampoline park. 
The kids had fun and I just had to sit there. Ha!! 

The kids jumped for an hour and a half! 
There was a mean game of dodge ball where even JoJo got in on the action. 

The Group. We are so fortunate that she has an amazing group of girls! 
I was reading her cards after the fact and I was amazed at the kind words. 

Heather snapped this one of Addy. This kid had a blast. She was the last one standing in dodge ball and was doing flips. 

We went back to the room for pizza, cookie cake, and presents!

Lyla made this awesome card for Ava!

Mama Heather gave her a $20 in an origami heart. 

No one likes poop in the pool!

 We came home and had dinner with Grandpa and Uncle Nate. 
Then we caught Addy helping herself to the cookie cake!

I realized we didn't take a family picture which makes me sad. I was so sidetracked. 
So I grabbed a selfie. 

Oh, Ava Kate. I adore you so much. 

Ella Time!!

Ella's parents had a party and we wanted to see Ella. 
So the perfect solution was to have a girls night!
We went to the mall, had dinner and there was lots of swimming!

Prayers for the Dunn Family

Our friends and distant cousins, Dewey and Lisa Dunn had a horrific house fire this past week. 
They were fortunate to get everyone out in time but have lost everything. 
Our community is amazing and have rallied. 
There have been fundraisers at Ignite, McDonalds, and an ice cream social. 
There is also a flag fundraiser so we can show our community pride! 
The Ho's have ordered theirs! 
Please keep this awesome family in your prayers. 

Medical Leave

So...I had surgery and am currently on medical leave from work. 
I was fortunate to have an outpatient procedure and was able to come home the same day. 
Recovery has been going really well and I have 2 of the cutest nurses ever. 
Addy stayed with a friend that day and Ava wasn't too far from my side at the hospital all day. 
We've stayed up late and slept late. 
It's Christmas in July on Hallmark. 
Life is good. 

Varsity Basketball Cheer