Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Life with FOUR!! #houghtalinggirls & #hosarehosting

We have spent the last two weeks as a family of SIX!!! It has been beautiful chaos. There's more driving, more events, more mouths to feed, more homework but we have loved every minute. TRULY. I am trying to not think about Sunday when Vivian and Eliza leave to go back to China. 
Until then, we enjoy every last drop of our time together. 

Vivian and Anna (Lisa Feather's exchange student) with the dragon the students at Lake made for their visit! 

Ava and Vivian found the only snow in NW Ohio and make a little snowman. 

Daddy surprised Ava at lunch!

Vivian and Eliza LOVE the hot tub!

We make sure they understand the importance of not going to jail. 

Ice cream in the winter is not allowed in China (per the parents) so they are taking advantage while they are here! :) 

Addy and sweet little Rya from the cheer competition. I stole this from Rya's mama. 

Putting them to work. Even Elsa has to help!

When the iPad needs charged but they don't want to give it the time. 

We're getting there!

Ava Kate learning stuffs at school! 

We invited Vivian's best friend from China and her mentor over for pizza and hot tub!

We went dress shopping for the upcoming Snowball dance!

Enjoyed food at a Japanese steakhouse!

Bike Riding!

They were so excited to help with the Chinese New Year crafts!

Ava Kate celebrated 100 days of school. And this is what she will look like at 100! HAHA!

Addy and her BFF Mya!

Vivian and Eliza enjoyed a bowling party with the their friends from China!

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