Saturday, July 26, 2014

Houghtaling Happenings

As we round up our time off from work and school, I thought I would catch you up the stuff…

Addy is doing really well. We had our 30 day post placement visit and she kept saying how well Addy is doing and how happy she seems! We couldn't agree more. Ava and Addy are doing well. They are truly developing a relationship. They play well together! And love to play dress up!
We took Addy in for her follow up Dr. appointment. She blood work came back and everything was normal. Even though she got to play with Dr. Tracy's stethoscope, she still walked out crying because she had 3 shots!

I'm still in a cast, but only for a few more days. I had a little situation with my original cast. It was really bothering my foot. I couldn't take it anymore so I called the Dr and they had me come in. It turns out the resident who put on my cast did it at the wrong angle and that is why it was digging into my foot. So, I got a new cast. And I got to pick the color this time!
Stay tuned! We have a fun week ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pink cast.Has your leg tottaly healed?Hope you feel better and dont have any pain.
