Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy Birthday, America!!

We had a wonderful holiday weekend! Filled with family, friends, and fireworks!!!

Friday started out a little slow for me. I'm still getting a bit of jet lag and literally laid around until about 6pm. Kelly asked "What happened to my friend, Sara, in China?" Haha!!

We enjoyed a visit from my friend, Sara Kinney, who brought my girls gifts and a yummy chicken enchilada casserole. Thanks for the visit!!

After I got my act together, we packed a picnic and headed to OC Headquarters to enjoy Red, White, and KABOOM! We found a nice shaded spot, set the family up for some pictures, and then dug into the picnic!

Ava and Jojo are so goofy! Trying to catch grapes in their mouths!

After dinner, we had some time to kill so went searching for friends! And look who we found!

After a potty break (that we won't talk about, H!!!), we headed back up the hill and settled in for the show! Ava got her prime spot ready which lasted about 2 minutes because let's be honest…what 5 year old can sit still???

Addy didn't fair too well during the show. As a matter of fact, she stayed snuggled with John under the blanket. I tried to take her to the car but she didn't want that either! 

Everyone enjoyed the show and Ava was stunned by the grand finale!!! 

Saturday, Ava was invited over to play with Jordyn for the day! They came to pick her up and to say she was excited would be an understatement. 

Later in the day we were invited to Pat and Jenni's for dinner and the girls had a blast playing with their cousins!

After dinner we headed up to the Woodville carnival. Rides, delicious lemonade, and more fireworks! 

I got her in a dress but we still had the ball hat and spiderman shoes. 

 Addy was so excited to see Ava on the rides. Everytime she came around she would get all bouncy, laughing, and yelling "Mei!" Adorbs!

John and I made the decision to not stay for fireworks because Addy probably couldn't do another night. Pat and Jenni invited Ava over to stay the night. We decided to try it even though she hasn't stayed anywhere but Nana's. Well, I got the call at 11:30pm from Jenni "Ava just told us that she would take a bath but she isn't sleeping here". Haha!! I love that kid! And I was happy she wanted to come home. I missed her all day! 

Tomorrow we are starting a somewhat normal schedule. Ava is ready to go back to school. We'll see how that goes! Stay tuned!

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