Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Addy's First Dr. Visit and Shopping!

We had our first big outing as a family of four today. We started out at Dr. Tracy's for little girls first visit. She did pretty well! No tears, but there was also no shots! She weighs 25 lbs., which means she gained a pound since her medical exam in China. She is 33 inches tall. And isn't on the growth chart at all. Not even a little. PEANUT. 

Her mouth is a mess though. Her palate is not repaired and is open completely to her nasal cavity. We have to contact the plastic surgeon to see the next steps. Dr. Tracy said she wouldn't be surprised if Addy has to have work done within the next few months. Her teeth are pretty bad, too. But we made her a dentist appt in a few weeks. We'll rock it! I have no doubt. 

After the appt we ran to a few stores. The girls are having their pictures done tomorrow so I needed props! We stopped at Hobby Lobby, who by the way has Christmas stuff out, and Target. The girls each got new shoes and Addy got a new bike! 

Funny story from Target -- We got the girls each a cup with a straw. Halfway to checkout, I looked at Addy and she was chomping on the straw! We didn't even pay for it and the straw was smashed. Haha! 

We got the girls a bottle of Sprite to split. When we got to dinner, I ordered them each a milk. 
Ava: Why do you get to have pop and I don't?
Me: Because I'm an adult
Ava: Oh, because you're 49???

Watch out, chica! I'm not 40 yet!

And how do you finish off a fun family night?? Well, with a trip to Mel O Creme of course!!!! Addy's first trip! 

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