My dear little Ava,
How is it possible we are celebrating your sixth birthday? Didn't you just come to our family? Ava, everyday with you is a breath of fresh air. I wake up to your blinking, sleepy eyes in the morning and my heart stops for a minute. You.are.amazing. Never forget that. You, my child, are the reason I was put on this earth. To be your mommy. I know that with everything that I am. One night when we were cuddled up watching our show, The Little Couple, they were celebrating Will's birthday. At the zoo. So, of course, you wanted your birthday party at the zoo this year. And not one to tell you no (I need to work on that!), I called and booked the zoo for your birthday! Since Addy just came home and we missed her April birthday, we decided to throw in a birthday cake for her, too!! Of course, not one to miss an opportunity for matching outfits, I ordered some super cute shirts from Etsy for you and Addy! We decided to make this a friend party and celebrate with family the next day with cake and ice cream. So off to the zoo we went! It was a very fun, action packed time! You got to color, had lunch, met some animals (none of which I touched), a visit with a mascot, rode the carousel, opened presents, and had cake and ice cream!!

A big thank you to all of our friends who came out to celebrate!
After the party was over, we decided to stay at the zoo and take in the animals. Well, or so I thought. We rode the train (and that's where the pictures stop)
Because, you my silly Ava, decided you would rather play on the playground than take in the zoo. So we played on the playground until closing time. Oh the joys of little ones! Later that night, I asked you what your favorite part of the day was. Your response? "The playground" Nice.
We had Jordyn with us and her mommy and daddy were going out to dinner so we decided to drop her off and finish our day off, too. The waitress asked what was the special occasion and we told her your birthday! So this was what you got! The crew singing Happy Birthday and ice cream with chocolate sauce!
And Addy, too!
Oh, my little girl! The best part? This isn't even close to over!!
I love you to the moon and back. And then back again.