Sunday, March 9, 2014

Florida, Day 5 - The Most Magical Place On Earth!

Monday morning we woke up to sunshine. We gave Ava and Evelyn a little gift bag with matching Mickey/Minnie shirts, Minnie sunglasses, and autograph books. We were going to Disney World!

There isn't too much you can say about the Most Magical Place on Earth! You just have to see it!

The girls wanted to play in the water but I didn't want them to soak their clothes and be miserable for the rest of the day. So we went into the closest gift shop and bought them these over sized tshirts. It was perfect!!

I seriously love Emily in these next couple of pictures. She is PETRIFIED of rides. It took me all day to convince her to go on a ride. Next up...Pirates of the Caribbean. I asked the guy if it was scary and he said "Nope, slow boat ride". So, I talked her into it. Nate, Ava and I in the front row and Em, John, and Evelyn in the back. We are slowly going through the "caves" and all of a sudden Nate says "Uh, oh". I looked ahead and said "Uh oh." All I could see was a dark tunnel and water dropping. As I scrambled to put my camera away, we plunged about 50 feet. I think a little piece of Emily died at that time. And she refused to go on anything else the rest of the day. Haha!

We had a great time and spent about 12 hours there. We didn't even touch half of it. I guess we'll have to go back! Ha!

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