Friday, March 21, 2014

Confessional Friday

Happy Spring! (even though it's snowing, but we won't talk about that)
Happy Friday!
Let's confess!

First and foremost! It's World Down Syndrome Day! Today we celebrate Aunt Emily who rocks that extra chromosome!

1. Insomia. It has hit me hard this week. Three nights in a row. Today was the first time in a long time that I contemplated calling off work. But responsibilities call...

2. I bought a 6 pack of Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs at the store on Wednesday. Last night I went to get one and there were only 2 left!! And JHo tries to blame Ava....nice try. You owe me 4 eggs. :)

3. I confess I moved out. Of our bathroom. :) We have really low shower pressure in our master bathroom. I didn't realize how bad it was until last week when I took a shower in Ava's bathroom (she asked me to). And WOW! That was the best shower I have had in a long time. So I moved all of my shower stuff to Ava's bathroom. We do have someone coming out today to check the pressure. It's going to have to be a good fix to get me back.

4. I confess that I never send friend requests on FB to those that are suggested for me. Even if I know them. I'm convinced they see me as a suggested friend and don't send one. Therefore, they must not want to be my friend. Isn't that silly?

That's all I have for today, friends!! Enjoy your weekend! We are tackling the task of converting the spare bedroom to a play room. And getting Ava's room Addy Grace ready. I started last night because I want to do a big purge on this project. Wish us luck!!

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