Saturday, January 25, 2014

Poor Raphael

And now guinea pig #2 is sick. This one isn't as sick however he has about 6-7 dry scaly patches all over his body. He has one directly above his left eye. This is what prompted my calling about 7 vets in the Toledo area. I finally found one. And it was $65 just to have him looked at. Ugh. But I cannot have another guinea pig die. So, we went....

The vet and her assistant were completely over the top AWESOME!!! They took their time and were so nice to Ava. They talked directly with her and told her everything. She felt so important. And then came the checkup. (The Doc McStuffins song is my head right now) Anyhow, they let Ava do everything!!

They took a little piece of the scaly spot to test. Raphael was not a fan of that all. He was so sweet.
They couldn't really come to a conclusion what is wrong. They think it's a combination of a vitamin C deficiency and mites. They put him on two antibiotics. He actually takes them pretty well. And we are now giving him a vitamin C chewable. He seems to be doing a little better. Hope he has a speedy recovery!

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