Thursday, January 9, 2014

I wish....

Lately Ava has been wishing for quite a few things. Crazy things. To the point that John and I are now in on it and we wish for crazy things. We could be watching a show, at the grocery store, at the mall, and there is always something. I decided to make a list of things she has wished for.

- A whale
- A gold tooth
- To live in a hotel
- To ride in a helicopter
- For our neightbors to live with us
- To be a muppet
- Drive a car
- Summer (we all do, baby!)
- She could take my arm to school
- A lizard like Mrs. Kipling on Jessie
- Work with Mommy
- Sleep in the snow

This is just what I captured the last few days. This kid cracks me up!! And now a sweet picture of Ava and the love of her live, Raphael.
We are back to work and school after the big artic blast. It's supposed to be in the 20's and it seriously feels so good outside. Isn't that hilarious?!?!?!? Tonight we start swim lessons. I put her in the advanced class so let's see how she does! Stay tuned...

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