Friday, January 3, 2014

Confessional Friday

Is it sad that I'm ready for the week to be over and I only worked two days? Haha! I'm happy to be back on a schedule. But the snow sucked for me yesterday. Which leads me to Confession #1

1. I have the best neighbors. After getting stuck in my driveway yesterday morning for 20 minutes (with Ava constantly asking why we weren't leaving yet), I wasn't in the best of moods. And then John called right before I was leaving work to let me know that our street hasn't been plowed yet. And there was no way in gods creation I was getting down it. He almost got stuck in his 4 wheel drive on the way to work. So I decided to call the neighbor on the main road to see if I could park at their house until the plows came through. They were so nice!! They moved their cars around so I could park overnight if needed, shoveled a path from their house to our house, and even carried Ava over so I could lug everything else. And it doesn't end there. Apparently another car got stuck on the road but was able to make it into my driveway before I got there. Both neighbors on the side of us and across the street called to let me know. Oh, I'm not done. Kelly's husband plowed our driveway and then after the plows came through, we had a big pile at the end of our drive, and the neighbor across the street came and removed that. All while I was snuggled in front of the fireplace with my girl. I'm super lucky and will make sure I let them know they are appreciated.

2. This one is dating back about a month. But I confess I am not a fan of The Polar Express. I think it's kind of scary. I sat down and truly watched it for the first time and while the animation was cool, the people are mean and the kids were scared. Not what I would consider a holiday movie.

3. I confess I love my new boots. That is all.

4. I confess that I have bought about 7 dresses in the last 2 weeks. John's son is getting married and I just cannot find what I want. And they have all been returned. Back to the drawing board.

5. I confess Ava cracks me up. The other night we watched a movie and there were Eskimo's. She kept calling them minions. "Mom, why those minion's walking on the ice?" Haha!!

And a picture of my sweet girl to kick off the weekend! Who can't put their ipod down long enough to brush their teeth?

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