Sunday, December 15, 2013

Snowed In

Technically we are not officially snowed in, but we have nowhere to be so we choose to be. We received about 7 inches on snow on Saturday. It hasn't been too bad because we haven't gone anywhere. Haha! We've kept ourselves pretty busy though. I've done a lot of things I have been wanting to do around the house. But mostly I've been entertaining this little girl...

We watched TV in a laundry basket...

Played lots of rounds of this game...(So fun, and great for kids!)

Made a little area and watched ipad movies (in snow pants and boots)

Went outside to play in the snow while Mommy took pictures from inside the house. 

And last but least tackled the disaster of Ava's room!!! I had been on her to clean it and she kept telling me in an hour. Well, this morning I was motivated to throw stuff away so I tackled it with her "help". It was so bad I had to take before and after pictures. I can't believe it gets this bad!

Back to reality tomorrow. Only six more working days this year. Not that I'm counting....:)

I almost forgot this part --- Not only did we clean her room, throw out a whole garbage bag of stuff, she picked a bag full of stuff to donate. PROUD!

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