Friday, December 6, 2013

Confessional Friday!

It's Friday!! And I probably have the busiest weekend of the year planned. But lots of fun stuff happening! Let's confess...

1. I confess I will not be winning Mother of Year anytime soon. One night last week at about 7:00 I realized Ava's clothes looked familiar. Too familar. And then I asked the question:

Me: Are those the clothes you wore yesterday?
Ava: Yep, I took them out of the dirty clothes.

She wore the same thing to school 2 days in a row. And I didn't know until 7:00pm on the 2nd day. We now stress to her "Go get clean clothes on!"

2.  I had purchased a WalMart gift card a few weeks ago for a Christmas gift. I put it in the envelope with our Christmas cash. Well, that is since long gone. The envelope in the garbage. With the WalMart gift card. Bummed. Now back to WalMart...

3. This will tell you smart John and I are. We have one plug in our bathroom. On John's side. Every morning we are in each others way. Every morning he complains because I'm drying my hair and we needs his dental floss. Well, Thursday morning my brilliant hubby thought to change our sides. We didn't even have to empty our drawers. They slid right out. And it only took us three and a half years to come up with that!!!

4. Little Miss Ava Kate stayed home with John the other day. She decided she wanted Macaroni and Cheese for lunch. However, we were out of the single servings and he didn't want to make a whole box. And told her this. She then proceeded to dig in the pantry and provided a single serve and said "I hid this from Mommy so she wouldn't eat it!!" Haha!!!

Have a great weekend!!!

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