Sunday, October 6, 2013

Rain, Rain GO Away...It's ok, we'll have fun anyway!!!

Another fun weekend in the books for The Houghtaling's!! We kicked off the weekend with all of us doing our own thing. I took a night off from being Ava's mom and John's wife and had an amazing soul cleanse with some amazing people. Exactly what I needed. John played poker and Ava went to Nana's. Saturday morning we met my mom at Ava's soccer game. We were there for about 5 minutes before the rain started. John went to the car and got us all umbrella's.
Funny story: My mom also had my cousin Jordyn who is the same age as Ava. As Ava is running around in the rain, here is the comments:

Ava: Mom, it's raining!!!
Jordyn: We know! That's why we have umbrella's!

Ava also scored her first goal!! We made a pretty big deal about it and also had to pay up. We both told her that if she scored a goal we would give her a dollar. Little Miss Thing cashed in.

After we got home from soccer with a soaked little Ava, she begged to play in the rain. I agreed. However, she started stripping off her clothes! I had to tell her she still needed to wear clothes. My girl loves to be naked!

We had to hustle into the shower because Ava's social calendar was full! She had Alaina's birthday party at a pumpkin patch. 

I was told that we didn't need to stay. I asked Ava if she wanted me to or if she wanted me to come back and pick her up. Guess what? I was basically told to get lost! Haha!! Ava had a great time!! 
I told her she needed to wear jeans and her Peppa rain boots since it was torrentially down pouring. She fought me on the boots but ended up wearing them. 
And she asked why she had to wear them!

Saturday night, Ava went back to Nana's (insert Mama guilt here) while John and I had a date night. We went on a Mystery Dinner Train. It was a fun time! I texted my mom when we got home to see how Ava was and if she wanted to come home. This is what I got back. 

Guess she was ok. 

Today we went to see Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2. Ava loved it but it wasn't one of my favorites. I'm hoping the rain stops soon. We want to go to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard!!! 

Hope you had a great weekend!!
Stay dry! 

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