Friday, October 18, 2013


It's Friday!!! Whoop, whoop!! Let's get to it, shall we?

1. I confess I haven't had the time on a Friday to do a confessional post!! I have a new boss at work (who keeps me super busy, but is super cool, so it's ok!) and between that and football, my blog is pretty neglected on Fridays.

2. I confess last night I came home from work, put on my jammies, and crawled into bed and slept for an hour. I was FREEZING!!! What the heck am I going to do when it's 10 degrees???

3. Our schedules lately have been crazy and it isn't slowing down anytime soon. Case in the next two weeks we have 7 birthday's!! Isn't that insane??

4. I confess that one day last week resulted in a last minute errand run, lunch, and a movie. The problem...I had on a Team Edward Tshirt, no makeup, or jewelry. Scary! I did run into someone I went to school with in the bathroom at the theater and I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm a b!tch. I was rushing to get away. Haha!!

5. I confess that my favorite funny kid story this week doesn't belong to my kid. Ava got invited to a birthday party (shocker, I know!). Little Miss Ava Kate's invitation came addressed to ....Ava Cake!! Hahaha!! We have been laughing about this all week!

6. The other night I was on the computer and turned on the TV. Grease was on and I thought "havent seen this in awhile". Well, next thing I know...
She was obsessed!! Let's just say we have now watched Grease about 7 times this week!! And there always seems to be a dance party!

Hope you have a great weekend!!!

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