Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick or Treat -- School Style

Today was Trick or Treat at Ava's school. They take the tunnel between the medical building and the hospital and the employees line up and hand out candy to the kids. I was a parent volunteer and kept a close watch on these lovely ladies...
It's so hard to believe we spent Halloween in Guangzhou three years ago. This girl has come a long way!!!
Trick or Treat in our neck of the woods got postponed until Saturday. I'm looking forward to that! We get to catch up with all of the cousins and eat lots of food and candy at my Grandma's. Stay tuned!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Family Picture Sneak Peek!

Pumpkin Trail

My cousin Lisa called and invited us to The Pumpkin Trail at my Aunt Martha's work! We got Little Miss Scary Witch into her costume and headed there in between the birthday parties! They were able to Trick or Treat with all of the residents. We had a great time! We missed Liv as she was rocking her soccer game, so it was just Ava and Mo.

 Can't wait for the real thing this week!!!

Happy Birthday Jack and Andrew!

Out little social butterfly was invited to two different birthday parties on Saturday! The timing worked out where she could attend both of them, too! The first one was for Jack. He is a little boy from her school. His party was at a local farm. Although this was super cool, the weather was horrendous! Freezing, drizzling rain, and hurricane force winds (slight exaggeration...) She begged us to wear her snow pants. I fought her on it but I gave up. John said "They are going to think we are idiots. Turns out little girl knew what she was doing. Jack's mom said she was the only kid who didn't complain about being cold!! Haha!!

We ran home and quickly changed into her costume (another post) and grabbed everything for Andrew's party. His party was a swim party at the local YMCA. Right up her alley!!

I absolutely love her face in this picture!! 

She loved all of Andrew's present because everything was Ninja Turtles! My little tomboy...
Next up...The Pumpkin Trail!!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Three Years, Baby!!!!

My sweet little Ava,

Friday the 25th marked our three year Family Day! How is that possible?? I heard more than one time on Friday "Hasn't she always been here?" "It's only been three years?" Haha! Little girl, you have touched so many lives and so many people smitten with your sweet, strong willed personality.

On Thursday night, we got your treat ready for school. I love Pinterest! They have the best ideas!!
You woke up on Friday morning, running around the house screaming "It's my Gotcha Day!" Haha!! You even picked out a special outfit which shocked me. A tutu and a tiara? What???
Nana shared these little pictures with me from your morning at school. Coincidentally, your letter of the week was G. So I made you a little sign for your show and tell. You were so excited to share all of the special pictures from the last two Gotcha Days.
Daddy picked you up at lunch time and I took a half day vacation. We met for lunch at Ralphies (your always want chicken on a bone. So gross!) Nana, JoJo, Aunt Tammy, and Jordyn joined us for lunch. You got a few small gifts, including a Precious Moment from us! This is my tradition for you on Gotcha Day. I try to coordinate it with what you are into each year. This year? The Wicked Witch.

Daddy stopped and got a cake with "Happy Family Day" written on it. So special!! He did that all on his own! Haha!
The waitress at Ralphie's even brought our a dessert for you. You were pretty stoked and couldn't wait to dig in. Literally....

After lunch, Nana and JoJo went back to lunch while the rest of us headed downtown to Imagination Station. You were so excited that Katie and Roz joined us for the fun, too!!! We had a great girls ran from station to station, yanking, pulling, pushing any buttons you could get your little fingers on. I don't think you knew what half the stuff was! Haha!!

The Wind Tunnel! 

Age Enhancer..Haha!

The Human Hamster

It was a perfect day! Well, until the injury. And by injury, I mean the small little cut on your knee. Even though I'm sure many people believed you had a bone sticking out of your leg. Haha!! I'm so glad we got to spend it with special family and friends. Ava, you are the most special thing in my life. Thank you for everything you have brought into my world. Even though I get so sick of Doc McStuffins, I love the cuddle time and singing the songs with you.

Love my Family!!!

I can't wait for the years to come and celebrate many more with you!!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dumplings, Birthdays, and More Birthdays!!

We had a super, super, super busy weekend!! But it was a fun one filled with lots of family!!! Friday night, we made the trek to Tontogany to watch Genoa (excuse my reference) crush Otsego. We ended up leaving at half time because the score was 63-18. The final score ended up being 72-18. I felt bad for Otsego! Anyhow, Nana joined us and after we left the game we headed to Bowling Green to eat at Myles Pizza. Neither John nor I had it before. It was pretty tasty, but wow those pizza are huge! We now know to order the smaller sizes. No matter how hungry we are!

Saturday morning we bundled up again because the weather was horrible. I would rather have snow than that crazy cold rain. Yes, snow. First we headed to Dumplings with all of our FCC friends. I honestly have to say I really enjoy it and am probably getting more out of it than Ava. And a special thanks to KT for helping me with my counting. While I was learning to count to 10, Ava and Roz were trying to do flips on the floor. Oh, well. At least they got to play together. Haha!! After Dumplings we headed to the mall because the entire Gymboree store was 30% off! Ahh!! I got Ava a super cute outfit for family pictures. I can't wait! On the way in, I promised her an Icee if she didn't beg for a gazillion things. She did pretty good so...
We split it. :)

We ran home to get Aunt Emily (she stayed the weekend with us) and headed to Jordyn's party. She is turning 5 this week! She had a yummy cake and a puppy themed party!

After her party, we had a small amount of time before the next party started. So I got to spend some time with this girl. How is it possible she is going to be 10???
I remember this little one. Too well.

Our family gathered for the second party of the day! Aunt Emily's 35th birthday!! The camera stayed on the shelf and I managed these few pics from my phone when I wasn't running around! Happy Birthday, Em!!

I think the best part of Ava's day was Jada and Mya were there, too! Mya is just like her mommy. She has no issue telling you what she wants!! But she loved this little microphone!

After all the peeps had gone home and everything was cleaned up, we popped in The Little Mermaid, popped some popcorn, and the girls snuggled up. A perfect way to end the day!

Friday, October 18, 2013


It's Friday!!! Whoop, whoop!! Let's get to it, shall we?

1. I confess I haven't had the time on a Friday to do a confessional post!! I have a new boss at work (who keeps me super busy, but is super cool, so it's ok!) and between that and football, my blog is pretty neglected on Fridays.

2. I confess last night I came home from work, put on my jammies, and crawled into bed and slept for an hour. I was FREEZING!!! What the heck am I going to do when it's 10 degrees???

3. Our schedules lately have been crazy and it isn't slowing down anytime soon. Case in the next two weeks we have 7 birthday's!! Isn't that insane??

4. I confess that one day last week resulted in a last minute errand run, lunch, and a movie. The problem...I had on a Team Edward Tshirt, no makeup, or jewelry. Scary! I did run into someone I went to school with in the bathroom at the theater and I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm a b!tch. I was rushing to get away. Haha!!

5. I confess that my favorite funny kid story this week doesn't belong to my kid. Ava got invited to a birthday party (shocker, I know!). Little Miss Ava Kate's invitation came addressed to ....Ava Cake!! Hahaha!! We have been laughing about this all week!

6. The other night I was on the computer and turned on the TV. Grease was on and I thought "havent seen this in awhile". Well, next thing I know...
She was obsessed!! Let's just say we have now watched Grease about 7 times this week!! And there always seems to be a dance party!

Hope you have a great weekend!!!

Varsity Basketball Cheer