Sunday, June 23, 2013

Samuel Forester Smithers

Friday night Ava and I went to bed about 10:30. I left the door open and didn't put my ear plugs in. It's like I knew something....:)

At 12:07 a.m, my phone rang. Sara's water broke!!! The plan from the beginning was that I was to be in the delivery room with her. I was an instant nervous wreck! John was working nights, what was I going to do with Ava???

Since it was going to be a long night, they admitted Sara to the hospital and told everyone to get some sleep and come up in the morning. I picked up Sara's mom at 8:30 and we headed to the hospital. The midwife told us to get ready for a long day. Sara was only dilated to 2. Her contraction were pretty mild at this point. Some strong ones, but she was handling it ok.

We all hung out until around lunchtime and we decided to head to lunch. Sara's mom stayed back but asked us to bring her a tuna sandwich if we went anywhere. We decided to go to El Camino, but stopped at a deli on the way back for Shirley. Well, when we got back they had given Sara some Nubain. Also know as a medical margarita. She was hilarious!! Here is the conversation:

Sara (eyes closed, slurring words): Where did you go to lunch?
Me: El Camino, but we brought your mom back a tuna sandwich.
Sara: El Camino has tuna now????


Poor Sara labored all day but nothing was changing. At 6:30 they decided it was best to do a C Section, as her water had been broken for so long. We were all kicked out as the Mommy and Daddy to be prepped for the big arrival.

At 7:15 pm on June 22, 2013, Samuel Forester Smithers made his appearance weighing in at 7 lbs, 3 oz. and 21 inches long. I love him so much!! Mom and baby are both doing well!!

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