Sunday, June 2, 2013

Genoa Homecoming 2013

Genoa's Annual Homecoming was this weekend! It's just not what it used to be but it's still a good time for the kids. My friends and I were laughing because 15 years ago, we were buying new shirts to wear to the beer tent and now we barely want to go because the crowd and lines are crazy. We've started a new ritual which works out well. We go to the parade on Friday and then head up to the festival for food and go home! And then we take Ava back up on Saturday afternoon when it's not so crazy to ride the rides. And it works out well!

Just like last year, The Skiver's joined us for our evening. Ava and Emmett are like two peas in a pod. They both enjoyed the parade. After awhile Ava just wanted to chill and eat her candy. Emmett, not so much. He wanted as much as he could and wanted to carry his own bag. I would be willing to bet it weighed at least what he weighs if not more. LOL!! Sarah's friend, Melissa and her little boy Grant joined us as well!

After the parade, we went up town to eat. There was a band so Ava and Emmett were busting a move!

But Grant...not so much...He pretty much wanted to just relax. It's probably one of the only times he can just plop in a street and there were no worries.
Saturday we got up and headed up town to ride the rides. We rode the strawberries, the ferris wheel (well, Ava did. And it's little), went down the big slide and finished up with the ponies!!

After the festival we headed to a graduation party. It was at a park and all she wanted to do was play on the playground. So after she did some major damage on chicken wings, we headed out to play.

This next picture just warms my heart. I was capturing a favorite memory. Ava was swinging I was pushing her. There was a flagpole in the distance and she says "Look, Mom! It's the Miracle Flag!" So incredibly sweet!!
It started to rain so we went back inside. I kept trying to take a picture of us but she wanted to pretend she was sleeping....What a goofball!

Saturday night was quiet. Uncle George came up and we went to El Camino. We came back and Daddy and Uncle George watched the game. Sunday was chore day. The only dirty laundry in our house is what we have on. What a good feeling!!! We capped off the weekend with a movie!
We went to see Epic at Levis Commons. It was really cute and Ava loved it! Looking forward to our week! Daddy turns 50 tomorrow!!!

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