Friday, June 21, 2013


1. I confess I had a major case of the birthday blues this year. MAJOR. I didn't want the day here. I didn't want anyone to acknowledge it. I felt like it was a burden. And I may have shed a few tears more than once. I truly have no idea why. It wasn't a milestone so it came out of left field. Thank you to my poor husband who put up with me and to my awesome neighbor who came through with the birthday cake. I woke up Tuesday about as happy as they come. Whew...maybe I  need to up the anxiety meds. :)

2. Speaking of birthday cake. It was my only request. It may have been one of the reasons I cried. I love cake. I love birthday cake. Seriously, my favorite food. When I found out my husband dropped the ball on my cake and watched him calling every local bakery (which are closed on Monday's), I was so bummed. It's all I wanted. Cake. He said he would go to Kroger. When you love cake as much as I do, you don't want Kroger cake. You want bakery cake. How selfish am I at this point?? But behind my back I found out my neighbor and John were in cahoots and she showed up with a cake from Michaels. With my exact wishes. Chocolate cake, white frosting. Neighbor of the year award goes to....Kelly Rowland. No, not that one. She was never part of Destiny's Child.

3. While it was nice having family in town, I confess I am soooo happy we have our lives back to normal. Only one small party this weekend. It's time to catch up on snuggles with my girl, laundry, sleep, and sun time.

4. I'm not sure who is more excited for Monster's University, myself or Ava. I can guarantee, my girl and I will be lined up this weekend to take in a little Mike Wazowski and Sully!!

5. I'm on a roll, huh?? This morning I got a call from school that Ava got hit in her eye with a toy. "She can't open it" "It's red and swollen" "it could be scratched". I blew out of my meeting, ran to my car (IT'S HER EYE!!!), calling the Dr. on the way. I get to daycare and she is running around my mom's office like nothing happened. I couldn't even tell which eye. Truly. She had a big smile on her face. So, I cancelled the Dr. Appt, gave the whole "Mommy has a job and you can't do this" lecture, shipped her out to the playground, and went back to work. I did all this in...are you sitting down....23 minutes! I don't even know if my boss knew I left.

Here are a few pictures from the last couple of days...

Mani/Pedi night -- She is so into the different colors!
 My birthday cake from Ava's view
 She must have thought we were getting married because she slapped some frosting on my nose!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! I will!!!

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