Saturday, July 14, 2012


This past week we took Ava to Vacation Bible School at St. John's. She did ok. There was quite a bit of bribing in the morning but she came around. At the end of every evening, they gathered to pray and sing songs. Ava definitely got into that part!!

All the classes had a contest going to see which class could bring in the most canned goods for the local school pantry. And....Ava's class WON!!! So, they got popsicles on the last night.

Here are a couple of things she made this week.

I have to share a funny story from VBS. Our good friend of ours, Dawn, was in charge of snack at VBS. One night she made root beer floats for the kids. While in the middle of snack, Ava waved Dawn over and said "I don't like this snack". Dawn looked at her cup and the float was gone. Dawn said "Well, you drank it all." And Ava's response?? "I know, but I didn't like it!" LOL!!! Love that kid!!

I'm so glad we took her but whew what a busy week. To get off work at 5, run to get her, feed her, and have her at the church by 6 was brutal. The last night, I squeezed in a bang trim before we went and forgot to feed her dinner. We were halfway to church and she said "What am I having for dinner?" I thought "S!@#, I forgot to feed you!!" So we turned around and ran home. I gave her 2 cold hot dogs and a can of sprite. Yep, Mother of the Year Award goes to.....Sara!!!!

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