Sunday, July 29, 2012

Four Years Old

We have had a very low key weekend. It's been super nice to relax and do some things around the house. Since we don't have much to talk about, I thought I would share some pictures from my phone and update from her four year well check.
Ava went to visit Dr. Tracy last week. She did really well and only had to get one shot. Although, that didn't go over well. Poor Girl! She was a nervous wreck! But I think there was more drama about pulling the band aid off than the shot. It's all she talked about. She finally bit the bullet and did it. And then looked at me and said "That didn't hurt!" :)

She weighs 36.2lbs and is in the 70th percentile for weight. She  is 39 inches tall and is in the 50th percentile for height. The Dr. was completely happy with those stats!

Love my girl!!!

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