Sunday, July 29, 2012

Four Years Old

We have had a very low key weekend. It's been super nice to relax and do some things around the house. Since we don't have much to talk about, I thought I would share some pictures from my phone and update from her four year well check.
Ava went to visit Dr. Tracy last week. She did really well and only had to get one shot. Although, that didn't go over well. Poor Girl! She was a nervous wreck! But I think there was more drama about pulling the band aid off than the shot. It's all she talked about. She finally bit the bullet and did it. And then looked at me and said "That didn't hurt!" :)

She weighs 36.2lbs and is in the 70th percentile for weight. She  is 39 inches tall and is in the 50th percentile for height. The Dr. was completely happy with those stats!

Love my girl!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Little Girl is Growing uP! Big Girl Bed!

I feel like Ava has literally grown overnight. It has been almost two years, but this still shocks the bejesus out of me!
The picture on the left is right after we got home from China. And the picture on the right was just a few weeks ago. Well, since she is getting so big, we made the move.

My big girl is now in her official big girl bed. She LOVES it! We're keeping our fingers crossed that this helps with sleeping.

Between the new bed and a little conversation between Dr. Tracy and Ava, we're hoping everyone sleeps through the night. Stay tuned!!!


Chuck E Cheese!

We found the absolute perfect time to go to Chuck E Cheese! Monday afternoon...there was only one other family in there. I'm not sure who had more fun...Ava or my mom, Nate, and I! We found a game that we got so into. LOL!!

Matching Jammie Jams

Ava got a new nightgown with a matching one for her baby!

Happy 30th Birthday, Nate!!!

Uncle Nate turned 30 on July 15th. Since he was still in Florida, we decided to celebrate with a little get together this past weekend! It was definitely a party weekend at The Houghtaling's!!

We had friends and family over!
Nate's friends Tre' and Kelly brought their little girl, Cara. I LOVE that kid!! She was born with Inter Uterine Growth Restriction and is 13 months and only weighs 12 lbs. She is sooooo sweet!!! Unfortunately, they don't know how big she will ever get. But isn't she sooo adorable?

We stayed up late and had a great night  swimming and hanging out!

Happy 4th Birthday, Ava Kate!!

Saturday was Ava's fourth birthday! How is this possible? We celebrated hard core with a Max and Ruby theme! I made her cake and wasn't super excited how it turned out. My frosting kept melting!! Guess that's what happens with a July birthday! But she seemed to like it!
I bought her donuts for her birthday breakfast. She was super stoked about that!!

Here is a better picture of her cake.
We hired a face painter and what a big hit!! Ava and Emmett loved it!!

Everyone swam!!

We opened presents and blew out candles on the cake!

We had a great party! Thanks to all of our friends and family for making Ava's birthday so incredibly special!!!

John, Sara, and Ava

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Date Night

John whisked me away Saturday for an overnight date night! It was hard for me at first because I hate to leave my girl. But she was absolutely fine and I'm sure she didn't care that we were gone. That's what Nana's are for, right??? Anyhow, we headed to Dearborn, MI and went to The Henry Ford Museum. It was so flippin' cool!!! I loved it!! And the best part was the Titantic exhibit. We weren't allowed to take pictures in there, but if you ever have the opportunity I suggest it!!

The chair Lincoln was sitting in when he was shot

The car Kennedy was riding in when he was shot

At the beginning of the Titantic exhibit, they give you a "ticket". At the end, they have signs up and you get to see if you survived.

John and I both survived!!!! LOL!

After the museum, we went back and took naps. I may have slept for 3 hours. :) We got up and went out to dinner. It was so nice!

After dinner we went back to the room and I think I was asleep in about 15 mins and slept for 11 hours. Think I needed it?? John kept asking me if I was ok. I don't sleep well normally and with Ava's issues, I tend to lack sleep alot. I guess I got caught up. :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sneak Peek

Last night was Ava's 4 yr photography session...Here is the sneak peek...

Couldn't you just eat her up????? But I'm also sad because she looks like she's 10!!

Dear Ava,
Stop growing!!!


This past week we took Ava to Vacation Bible School at St. John's. She did ok. There was quite a bit of bribing in the morning but she came around. At the end of every evening, they gathered to pray and sing songs. Ava definitely got into that part!!

All the classes had a contest going to see which class could bring in the most canned goods for the local school pantry. And....Ava's class WON!!! So, they got popsicles on the last night.

Here are a couple of things she made this week.

I have to share a funny story from VBS. Our good friend of ours, Dawn, was in charge of snack at VBS. One night she made root beer floats for the kids. While in the middle of snack, Ava waved Dawn over and said "I don't like this snack". Dawn looked at her cup and the float was gone. Dawn said "Well, you drank it all." And Ava's response?? "I know, but I didn't like it!" LOL!!! Love that kid!!

I'm so glad we took her but whew what a busy week. To get off work at 5, run to get her, feed her, and have her at the church by 6 was brutal. The last night, I squeezed in a bang trim before we went and forgot to feed her dinner. We were halfway to church and she said "What am I having for dinner?" I thought "S!@#, I forgot to feed you!!" So we turned around and ran home. I gave her 2 cold hot dogs and a can of sprite. Yep, Mother of the Year Award goes to.....Sara!!!!

Silly Faces!!

Last Friday night at Will's party, we decided to entertain ourselves with family portraits. It was about 235 degrees out so we were sweating profusely!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekend in Medina

We spent this past weekend in Medina with John's family. It was super hot, but we had tons of fun! Ava's cousin Will got a job in California so Friday night we celebrated his birthday, as well as Going Away. :(

(This picture actually shows the rash on her arms)

On Saturday, we survived the heat by going over to Uncle Jim and Aunt Vicki's house to swim in their pond. That was the first time Ava was in a pond and she did really well!!

Saturday night we went to Fathead's Brewery for dinner. It was soooo good!!! But best of all, Ava made a new friend. She was LOVING Jacqueline!

Jacqueline is a good friend of Megan's. She was such a good sport! She even let Ava do her hair with a straw!!!

We actually were celebrating Nick's biethday at dinner. So when they brought out the cake, guess who had an instant friend??

Nick is so awesome! He let Ava finish the cake.
And I can't forget this super cute pic of Ava and Gram .

Varsity Basketball Cheer