Sunday, August 28, 2011

Go Comets!!

Our Friday started out at Dr. Tracy's office. Everything was fine...just her 3 yr. well check. Everything was PERFECT!! Ava was an angel and showed off that personality to the office!!

One of the things they checked was if she could draw a circle. The nurse's is on the right and Ava's is on the left. I was so proud!!

Ava had to get a shot, too. :( More on that later....

Friday also marked Ava's last day in the 2 yr old room. It was a sad day for me. This is the only room that Ava has been in at school. The teachers are AMAZING and had such a big part of her transition from China. They have been so understanding with my craziness and I'm going to miss them tremendously. I wanted to do something special for them, so I ordered this junk food basket for them. I was really happy with the way it turned out!

After school and work, we headed to the high school for Friday Night FOOTBALL!! It was the first official game.

Ava had a blast!!

She did get bored and had a big interest in Nana's earring...

But, she loved the band!! She was jamming and dancing!! It was so cute!!

It was a pretty successful game!! Genoa won 45-14!!

And how can you go wrong when there is a band and M&M's??

Back to the shots...

Ava was fantastic at the game but the night took a different turn. About 45 mins. after we put her to bed, she woke up with a 102 temp!! Of course, we assumed it was a side effect from the shots. We gave her some Motrin and let her sleep with us the rest of the night. She woke up and seemed good. She was a little "off", but no fever. She spent the afternoon at Nana's and her fever spiked again about 6:30 pm. So, more Motrin and she was in a great mood again. We put her to bed and she slept until 5:30 am and woke up with a barking cough, but no fever! She was in a great mood again! So, I took her on some errands. She had a complete and utter meltdown in Babies R Us. But it wasn't the defiant 3yr. old meltdown, it was the I don't feel good meltdown. So, we headed home and she was FINE again. A little whiny, but I just assumed it was because she didn't get great sleep. Well, needless to say...tonight she had a 102.4 temp. :( My poor girl! She still has the barking cough so we hooked upa humidifier in her room for the night. I'm going to call the pediatrician in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed that this passes quickly. I hate seeing my girl like this.

I'll keep you posted!!



1 comment:

President's Day Fun!