Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nick and Megan's Wedding

Friday morning we traveled to Medina for the wedding of John's niece, Megan and her fiance', Nick. We LOVE Nick and Megan!! We were very excited for them! They got engaged last year while we were all on the Houghtaling family vacation at the Outer Banks.

My mom and Emily came down, as well to be our nannies! We took Ava back to the hotel after dinner and some dancing so she could get a good nights sleep and we could enjoy ourselves at the wedding and hang with family.

We took an obscene amount of pictures but here are a few to enjoy!

I love this picture! This was during the ceremony and Ava was sucking her thumb and rubbing John's ear. So sweet!!

Ava has a blast with Hannah! She is the daughter of John's nephew , Kenny.
They played together all day and night. It was so cute!!

Our attempt at a family picture

Quinn and her fiance, Nick. They are getting married in December!

John and his mom! She will be 94 next month!!

Ava pulled out her dance moves at the reception. This girl loves to dance!

Ava with the bride!

This picture of Megan is adorable, but unfortunately blurry!

There was a little incident after the reception. John's nephew, Andrew, decided to wander off. Long story, short...he's ok. Even though we was escorted back...

On Saturday, we went to Nick and Megan's gift opening. Ava was a tad crabby, but I had to post this picture. I love this dress!!!

I got Megan a piece of pottery from Packer Creek Pottery. I love it and she made mention before, so I got her their first piece!!

After gift opening, we went to John's brother's house. It was their 40th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary, Dave and Sharon!! Ava truly enjoyed your cake!

After their party, my mom, Emily, Ava, and I went to the outlets in Lodi and shopped a little. After that we went back to John's other brother's house to visit with family before everyone went back home today. We stayed at George's house. The newleyweds were there packing for their honeymoon. Ava decided she wanted to go with them!

We got up this morning and went to breakfast with George before we headed home. Ava did her own hair. :)

And she loved this train set!! I think we may have to find one for her for Christmas this year!

We had a fabulous weekend! But a very tiring one...we came home and every one of us took a 2.5 hour nap. It's amzing what the power of a nap can do!

Hope you all had a great weekend, too!



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