Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Dear Ava,
Lately I know you have seen Mama shed a few tears and as much as I don't want you to see that, sometimes it's simply uncontrollable. But I want you to know why. I'm not sad, not depressed, just overwhelmed with emotions. Emotions that I'm not sure where they are coming from. And why they are affecting me now. I don't know if it's going back to work full time or the loss of my friend, Tiffany but I want to show you why I have these emotions.

All of "The Firsts"

The first time we met...the happiest moment of my life...

The first time I fed you...

Your first nap with us...

Your first bath AKA tubby

Your first plane ride...

Your first stroller ride...

Your first time in a high chair...

I think it hit me that all of these "firsts" happened within a few weeks. And I want them back...isn't that selfish??
I love you so much and am so incredibly proud of you! Everyday you continue to amaze me with how much you are growing and your "new word of the day". I'm so happy you are my little girl!
Love you,

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