Monday, January 3, 2011

1st Trip to the ER...:(

Yesterday around lunch time, Ava started acting weird. She normally will sit in her highchair and eat her lunch with no issues. She started acting all clingy and wouldn't let me put her down. She would just whimper and reach for me. She wouldn't go down for a nap and was acting completely lethargic. She just wanted to cuddle and suck her thumb all afternoon. Which normally, I would love, but it just isn't in her personality. Then I started to notice that every once in a while she would cry for about 10-20 seconds and then she would point at her diaper and say boo boo. She kept trying to take her diaper off and put her hands inside it. I started to wonder if she had a UTI. And she wouldn't eat! No snack, no dinner! That really concerned me. Considering how much she loves to eat. We gave her a warm bath and she seemed a little better after that. I took her temperature and it was 101 degrees. I called the pediatrician and talked to a nurse. They suggested I take her to Toledo Childrens Hospital. She said that if it is a UTI, you really don't want to mess with that and especially if she has a fever because that could mean a kidney infection. Well, let's just say I didn't take that well. I started BAWLING! And I mean BAWLING! The nurse had to calm me down and tell me that Ava could sense I was upset and I need to be strong for her. My mom was still here with me so we loaded Ava up and called John on the way. He was able to get relief from work and meet us in the emergency room. After being checked out by the Dr. and a urine sample (that I had to leave the room for), she was diagnosed with a viral infection which was causing the fever. The irritation in her diaper we are thinking is being caused by baby oil in her bath water. Which we have been doing because her skin is so dry. So, we have to eliminate that, treat her like she has a diaper rash, and give her motrin every 6 hours for the next 24 hours. Poor little munchkin...

Even though she was in the ER, I couldn't resist taking a couple of pics! She was so cute!

Catching up on the lastest HIPPA laws...

She wouldn't let them put her bracelet on her wrist...
Isn't it sooo cute with the bunny foot?

Munching on a snack while waiting for the Dr.

Today she is acting fine but is still a little cuddly. The pediatrician doesn't want to see her at this time. We just have to monitor her. Hope you have a great day!!

John, Sara, and Ava

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