First, let me say...
But even in these frigid temperatures, we still had an awesome weekend!!
Friday night Ava and I went to dinner with my mom. John was having a poker party here, so we we went out for a girls dinner. However, we have ZERO pictures. I took the camera, but forgot the memory card. Took my phone, but left it in car. :) We went to Applebee's. Our intention was Outback, but it was an hour wait and that just doesn't happen with a 2-yr old. Uncle George, cousin Will, and a couple of his friends came over and stayed the night. Will and his friends left in the morning, but Uncle George stayed the afternoon. Ava started warming up and even took a pretend nap with him!

For someone who hates to go to bed, she sure loves pretending to sleep! It cracks me up!
Saturday night we went took a little road trip to Adrian, MI. Another FCC mom, Jana, invited us all up for dinner. It was AWESOME! This chick can cook it up, let me tell you! And everything was made from scratch. I don't even know what that is like anymore! Here was the menu:
Awesome dip with bread, crackers and apples
Cheeze It's for Ava
Spaghetti with 2 different kinds of sauce
Chocolate covered strawberries
And homemade ice cream sandwiches for the kids
Here is Jana and I with our girls:

They turned on the Wii with the Just Dance game and little Miss Ava was busting a move!! She loved it!

Ava and Jewel jamming:

Ava was totally eyeing up the ice cream sandwiches. She kept wanting to switch chairs so she could get closer to them.

We took Ava's jammies and changed her before we left. But not before Jana busted out a little Bon Jovi! And the girls went on Dancing, Part 2:

Tonight, my friend Jodi brought over her daughters. Maddie is Ava's age and Peyton is older, but she is so good with the girls!! Maddie and Ava took a little to warm up to each other, but they came around and played so good!!

Ava loved Maddie so much that she even hugged her! This was a big step!!

Ava and JBV

What a great weekend! I love watching Ava and all of her daily milestones. She is such an amazing little girl! I love her so much!!
Hope your weekend was just as great!
John, Sara, and Ava