Monday, September 30, 2024

Fall Sports 2024

We are in the midst of our busiest season! 

And I couldn't love it more. Sure, I'm tired. Sure, sometimes I wish we were all eating dinner at the same time. But my girls are doing what they love and I'm here for it! 

Addy is pulling double duty with Football Cheer and Volleyball. 

She is doing so well at both. I'm so proud of her commitment and prioritizing her life. This is a huge step for her! 

Ava, of course, is killing it on the soccer field! They are currently in 1st place and this week will show alot of how the standing will fall. We need three things to happen to win the NBC. We accomplished the first, this week we need the second and third to happen. More updates soon!!

Stay tuned!

Media Day for Soccer!!

The girls had a media day for soccer! 
I'm obsessed how these turned out!

Does this not look like a Nike ad?


Girls Weekend

John was out of town, so girls weekend!! 
We introduced Lisa to Target, which she loved! 


We stopped to see Nana and Jojo and Lisa made a new friend in Fae. 

We got to see our faves for a bit!

We ended the weekend with the sunset at Maumee Bay. A little windy, but still so pretty!


Thursday, September 26, 2024

One Last Lake Day!!

John, Addy and Lisa spent one last day on the lake! 
Tubing, swimming and just having so much fun! 

Ava and I met them later in the evening for dinner, as we are just not boat people. 
But we love pizza (and beer) at the local watering hole! 
We love summer but we are so ready for fall.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

First Day of School! {7th Grade, Sophomore and a Senior}

Just's Back to School. 
While summer isn't officially over, it definitely feels like it. 
We knew the school year was going to mean crazy schedules and yep, that's exactly what we have. 
It's been a great start! 

All of the girls have started strong and we are so incredibly proud of them and their commitment to their academics. 

Addycakes started 7th Grade!

Lisa started 12th Grade!

Ava started 10th Grade!

Kelly came over to wish them well!

But this part. I was fine until this part.
Ava drove everyone to school! 
No more drop offs or pickups. 

Then I realized how sad that actually was. It's actually affected more than I thought it would 
It's good, but its hard. 

My favorite comparisons each year. 
Kindergarten > Current Grade.

"Can I just hold it up?" - Ava Kate 


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Lunch Dates

Addy was so excited when she was invited out to lunch with her cousin! 
Morgan picked her up and treated her to Bob Evans. 
A perfect end to the summer!


Varsity Basketball Cheer