Friday, May 29, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 9

This may be my last Social Distancing post as the world is starting to open back up. 
I go back in the office one day a week starting on Monday. 
Some of our extracurriculars are starting back up. 
Life is starting to regain some normalcy. 
We have definitely learned to take life slower. 
We like to live life in the fast lane but realized how much happier we are when we are home and together. 

This week brought the last week of school. 
The last day of school was supposed to be May 28th. 
They bumped it back to May 22. 
How cute are these cookies? 
This was our end of the year teacher gifts!

I had to document this moment. Ava Kate submitting her very last assignment for elementary school. 
My girl is off to middle school in the fall. 

They did a drive through pick up for the end of the year. 
I'm so glad we got to see our teachers one more time. 
This is Mrs. Schober, Addy's Intervention Specialist and her 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Zarbock. 

Earlier in the day, I got a message from my cousin Olivia. 
She asked if her and her sister could come over and hang with the girls! 
Of course! 

Plus she brought me molasses cookies from The Cookie Lady, so she's pretty much my favorite. 

 My dad was released from Inpatient Rehab and came home to our house.
He'll be staying with us again to gain his strength. 

Friday brought the last day of school! 
No super cute outdoor photos this year. 
This is the rolled out of bed at 10am photo. Haha!

It was also a very scary morning! 
Across the street from our house are grain elevators and next to that is a junk yard. 
The junk yard caught fire! 
We kept hearing little explosions as the fire would reach cars with gasoline. 
It took firefighters from 3 different neighboring towns and most of the morning to get it under control. 
Luckily, there were no injuries and it never reached the grain elevator. 

That afternoon brought the 5th Grade Send Off/Pick Up! 
I pulled away crying like a little baby!! 
Mrs. Eck and Ava 

Most of the faculty was there with signs, blow horns, cheers and lots of love! 
Ava hung out the top of the car to say goodbye to those who cared for her for the last six years. 

She received a graduation cap! 
Stay tuned for super cute photos of this! 

This little chica couldn't let her big sis have the day. 
She decided to lose not one, not two, but THREE teeth all in one day!
She's trying to bankrupt the tooth fairy! 

Saturday brought my much coveted hair appointment. 
The new normal in the salons. 

I went in and got my hair dry cut then she added my color and highlights. 
Then I was sent on my way! I set my time for 35 minutes and washed it at home. 

The end result! Yay!!

For the first time since March 17th, we went to dinner at a restaurant!!! 
We sat out on the patio and it was so nice!!!

This little lovie was trying to con me out of extra food. I made a deal that she let me put her hair in pigtails then she could have another treat. 
This girl makes me giddy. 

Kelly and I enjoyed the early morning weather with coffee on the desks. 
The girls even conned Jeff out of breakfast. 

Sunday afternoon brought a swim date with my littles. 
As always, it was wonderful!

Happy Birthday, Heather and Ella!!

Big birthdays for our tribe!! 
We got together at Katie's to celebrate our besties birthdays!! 
We all enjoyed much needed girl time. 
The Mama's enjoyed champagne and the littles enjoyed the trampoline! 

Of course, no one wanted the day to end. 
The girls even managed a little extra time as they stayed while I went to the store.
Happy Birthday, Girls!! 
We love you!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 8

We are coming to an end of Social Distancing. 
We will still take precautions but for the most part Ohio is opening. 
I go back in the office for 1 day a week starting on June 1st. This will last through the month of June. 

Early morning shopping trips bring my much needed coffee. 

 Nate and I, social distancing, in the elevator at the hospital. Haha!

Our community was hosting a special group to "Adopt A 5th Grader" since they missed all of their end of the year fun. We were fortunate that Ms. Pam, our bus driver. chose Ava. 
She dropped off a bag of goodies, including sushi!! 

Even AG snagged a gift bag from Ms. Pam. 

Friday night was Morgan's birthday!! 
The girls and I participated in the birthday parade!! 

Silly JoJo! 

Enjoying her sushi and chicken chunks! 
This girl can eat!!

Much needed hot tub and wine. 

While I was up at the hospital, my family started opening the pool! 

They took a break to Facetime with Grandpa!

Uncle Nate stopped over and pulled his tricks with Addy. 

This is the first time we have ever opened the pool and it was clear! 
John was thrilled!

Addy Grace has started making popsicles. Read: All she does is pour liquid into them. But she really thinks she has become a chef. She keeps saying "Now what should I make". 
This was Sprite! Haha!

Saturday night puzzles and coffee. 

We are wrapping up our last week of school!! 
The girls are so happy!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Mothers Day 2020

Awww...I love my girls! 
Mother's Day was fantastic! 

We woke up and made breakfast together. 
I made French Toast and Ava made bacon. 
Addy set the table and John cleaned it all up!

I was then gifted with thoughtful gifts. 
Addy gave me a bouquet of flowers. 
Funny story: I have a vase of flowers on my kitchen counter. I noticed a few days prior that some were missing. I asked if anyone knew were they were. Addy told me she took them for Mothers Day. Haha!! So I got a bouquet of flowers that were originally on my kitchen counter! Haha!! 

John did a great job! 
My annual Pugh plate, an amazing sign, and a purple ladle for the kitchen!! 

We had plans to go to Tracy's and I needed to bring dessert. John asked that I try my hand at Aunt Tammy's chocolate cake. It was a close second! Still yummy!!

We headed to Tracy's for dinner with my mom, Em, Nate and all of Tracy's kids. 

It was a fantastic day followed up with a thunderstorm but brought a sweet rainbow. 

Varsity Basketball Cheer