Thursday, June 27, 2019

Motley Crew {Katie's Post}

Today I'm sharing Katie's most recent blog post. 
Because I could never say it the way she did. It's perfect. Enjoy!

These girls. My very own Motley Crew.
Friends teach us a lot of things. Especially sister friends.
Awhile back on face time, Roz and Ava decided to  give Addy a bit of sass - "we did not pick on her". Well, Addy was not happy about it and she let Roz know it by not talking to her for a few days. Mama Sara found this in one of Addy's note books.
Roz was sad. She even stopped asking Ava if Addy was still upset. I felt bad, but she learned some lessons about a few things (like don't mess with Addy!). Roz was so happy when things were back to normal with her Addy. 

And here is a different kind of note - One morning after Roz and her daddy made waffles with crepe mix (Patrick called them awful waffles), Mama H invited Roz over for a few hours. This was from "Ellabear", "Ellabird", "Ellabeart". A bit more encouraging than Addy's.


Addy wrote I love you on Roz's hand.

Roz made a tic toc video about all the things her friends bring to her life. It was so sweet.  
I get to spend a lot of time with these 4. You could say I was part of the Crew. They teach me a lot of lessons, too. 
 And I laugh a lot more with them around.

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