Tuesday, January 17, 2017


A little behind...

Ava's class made a trip to the fire station! 

Dinner with our friends!

A sweet visit with old friends!

Mommy went to craft night and made the girls their own sets of earrings!

Sweet precious Addy. She now has taken this mask to school and uses it for nap. 

The 3 foot obnoxious bear Ava bought with a gift card! 

This picture cracks me up. We were at my moms and Addy climbed up on my lap. She laid there non moving for about 20 mins. I figured she fell asleep because let's be honest, Addy never sits still that long. So, I snuck my phone over to take a picture and this is what I saw. Cracked me up!!!

Lunch with my loves!

My kids may watch too much TV. They stuck a balloon in Elsa's dress so she looked like she was pregnant. Ha!

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