Sunday, January 1, 2017

Christmas Eve

We kicked off Christmas Eve with exchanging gifts with Nana and Jojo! The girls were spoiled but were so very thankful. 

During breakfast we checked our plane app and saw the Santa was in Shanghai! Ava was so excited!

After we opened gifts, had breakfast, and cleaned up, we headed to see the movie Sing. All of us were very excited to see it! It was so adorable!

After the movie we had to rush home and get ready for church. We didn't get our official picture, so we snapped a selfie before church started. 

Addy didn't last long at church. She was exhausted from the day. 

Then it was time to prepare for the big guy in red. The girls were super giddy with excitement!

They were asleep by 10. I was impressed. That gave Santa plenty of time to stop and spend some time at the Houghtaling house. 

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