Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spring Break #houghtalinggirls

Our Spring Break was very low key. With Addy's surgery and recovering, we laid low. But we managed to squeeze in some fun. 

Playing at the mall. The play area can entertain these kids for hours. 

Date Night with my Ava. We took in the high school play, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. She LOVED it!

Garage Band

 Looking studious in Daddy's glasses!

 Bunny ears!

We took the dogs to the groomers for my mom. That was fun. Sigh. 

Piper came to play! Her and Addy were great friends!

Spending the day with Mommy at work! She was such a great helper!

I taught Ava the family favorite card game Kings Corners. And now that's all she wants to do. 

Snuggling with neighbors

Is anyone else's child obsessed with You Tube? Ava watches How To videos all of the time. And decided she wanted to make chocolate bowls. With balloons. I kept telling her they would taste like rubber but she didn't care!

The finished product. Not too shabby. 

I felt bad for Ava but she took it like the rockstar she is. Plus, we're how close to summer vacation?

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