Monday, April 25, 2016

Addy's Five Year Well Check

Isn't this the most pitiful picture you have ever seen? :) 
In case you didn't notice from the picture, Addy had to have her finger poked at her well visit. And 2 shots in her legs. And this picture was before those shots! Ha!

On the PLUS side, she has finally hit the charts for height! Whoop, whoop! It's 4% but we'll take it. As for weight, not even close. She was like 6 lbs off. 

Other than a little extra blood work to check something out, she is super healthy! 
Exactly what this mama like to hear. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

While Mama's Away...

I decided to treat myself to a girls day and left Daddy in charge. 
Amy, Sara, and I headed to Ft. Wayne to partake in this!

We had tons of laughs, spent tons of money, and tons of fun! We will definitely be going back next year!

Daddy took advantage of the nice day and took the girls to the park for hours! They played, fished, and had a picnic! I'm so grateful for this guy!

Visit with Leilani!

The weekend of Addy's party, Uncle George and Leilani came up and visited for the whole weekend! The girls played wonderfully together, we loved having them here!
After the 11 inch snow dump on Friday (which made Addy super happy!), we had lots of fun! 


Shopping at Fiddlestix. It was their birthday celebration so they had sparkling grape juice in fancy glasses. It was so cute!

And we took advantage of the snow and made snow cream!

Such a fun visit!!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Addy's Paw Patrol Party!

Addy chose to have a Paw Patrol themed party this year! I was shocked because I thought for sure it would be Elsa. But no, she chose the pups. 
We decided to take our birthday parties down a few levels and keep them small. We are inviting a few of their friends and grandparents. While we love our family get togethers, it was the best decision for us. 

I loved her cake! And she loved her cake!

We had a Build Your Own Collar station (aka necklaces). Ava was pretty proud of hers, especially since she had the best Mama Heather helping her!

This kid. My goodness, she makes my heart burst! She was over the moon excited about her birthday! And it was addicting. I think I was just as excited as her. 

Thanks to our friends and family who wished our sweet Addycakes a Happy Birthday! We love you all!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Happy 5th Birthday, Addycakes!

My Addycakes is 5. This girl was so beyond excited for her birthday! She asked every morning for the last month if it was her Happy Birthday! The morning of she woke up crabby until I started to act like a fool and sing and dance. And then she snapped out of it and yelled "My Happy Birthday!! 

Donuts with a candle for breakfast!

A special outfit!

Awesome snack for her friends (courtesy of Livi Feather)

And a special dinner out with our closest. The big girls are big enough to order from the counter themselves. Eek!

Another round of Happy Birthday!

Fun times with our friends!

 Nana, Jojo, and Uncle Nate joined us, too! We had a wonderful time celebrating Addy. Next up, party time!!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Happy Birthday, Mya!

We were so lucky to celebrate Addy's BFF, Mya's 5th birthday! She is only 2 days older than Addy! 
We had a wonderful time at the party!

Saturday, April 16, 2016


A couple of weeks ago, we gathered with our FCC friends for our annual Panda's play session. But this time, Mama Katie brought a map and little flag pins so we could mark where everyone was born. 

And then we took this picture with our friends. 

To see where they came from and to know they are now together. Heartwarming.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Ava's Orthodontist Appointment

We had our first orthodontic visit. We have seen one for the last few years at cleft clinic but we had our first official referral visit. One of Ava's teeth is coming in "wonky". She hates that I call it that. But the dentist seems to think that everything shifted which is causing the crooked tooth. 
The visit went well and we really enjoyed the orthodontist. Problem is: she has no other teeth. She has lost so many teeth and they aren't all in yet. So there isn't much we can do right now. He does want to make room for the new teeth so he suggested having 4 teeth extracted. We have an appointment in early June. So, she is wiggling them as much as she can. She's hoping she can get them out on her own instead of pulled. I can't wait to see if she does it!! 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spring Break #houghtalinggirls

Our Spring Break was very low key. With Addy's surgery and recovering, we laid low. But we managed to squeeze in some fun. 

Playing at the mall. The play area can entertain these kids for hours. 

Date Night with my Ava. We took in the high school play, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. She LOVED it!

Garage Band

 Looking studious in Daddy's glasses!

 Bunny ears!

We took the dogs to the groomers for my mom. That was fun. Sigh. 

Piper came to play! Her and Addy were great friends!

Spending the day with Mommy at work! She was such a great helper!

I taught Ava the family favorite card game Kings Corners. And now that's all she wants to do. 

Snuggling with neighbors

Is anyone else's child obsessed with You Tube? Ava watches How To videos all of the time. And decided she wanted to make chocolate bowls. With balloons. I kept telling her they would taste like rubber but she didn't care!

The finished product. Not too shabby. 

I felt bad for Ava but she took it like the rockstar she is. Plus, we're how close to summer vacation?

Varsity Basketball Cheer