Sunday, January 3, 2016

Take Me To China! Via Indianapolis Childrens Museum

About a month ago, Mama Heather called and said "We need to go to Indianapolis". Friends of their family were at the Children's Museum and apparently had a awesome China exhibit! 
So, we worked with Katie and Heather and we decided the best time to go was over the holiday break. We headed out with the plan to stay at a hotel and visit the museum the next day.
Which made these girls super happy because this meant they got to go swimming!!!

After some time in the pool, we gathered up our troops and headed to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory! I'll always find one when we travel. 

We woke up early the next morning and arrived at opening time at the museum! What an fantastic place! 

Addy was pretty stoked when Elsa was there to greet us!

After admiring this amazeness

We headed to China!

After our plane ride to Beijing and flying over the Great Wall, we enjoyed the exhibit immensely. 

I found my little rabbit and rat for the girls Chinese Zodiac signs

They had a section on Panda's and Addy LOVED it!

After our time in China, we decided it was time to see the other exhibits. Which was pretty exciting for Ava! Because they had Ninja Turtles!!! And Ava got to participate in a ninja academy where she learned some cool moves!

The rest of the day was spent enjoying ourselves and our friends and still enjoying the cool stuff!

We had a wonderful time! The weather driving home wasn't ideal but we made it safe and have the memories to last always!

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