Sunday, January 3, 2016

Ice Skating!

We had been trying to connect with our friends, The Wagner's, for ages! As Courtney and I passed in the hall at work, we vowed to get together over the holidays. And we did!! She had suggested ice skating. Ava had been asking for a couple of years but I held out because, well, let's be honest. I'm not exactly graceful. But I agreed. And so we went skating. 
The girls loved it!! John and I were terrified. But no one fell and no one had the paramedics called. I call that a success! Both the girls and, ahem, adults used carts. But so what. We can say we've done it!

 And by the end, Addy was off on her own!

I promised Ava we would go again. But I may watch from the sidelines. 

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