Friday, July 24, 2015


The randomness of our awesome life! 

My sweet friend, Rachel, who lives in Nashville was in town. We got to have lunch with her and sweet baby, Rowan.

Isn't this how everyone leaves the nursing home after visiting Grandma?

Summer days with Daddy

Came home from work and this greeted me on the counter!

My cool dudes

Soul cleaning session with some of my favorite people. 

Ava reached another level in the summer reading program. So proud of this kid!

And she brings in the garbage cans? #mykidrocks

Early birthday present from Mommy and Daddy!

Spending an afternoon with just Ava. It was much needed!


They got new DVD players for the car. And watched an entire movie in the car while in the garage. No worries, the car was off. 

I got to visit OC's terminal at Toledo Airport. And tour the corporate jet!

Picnic time in the front yard!

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