Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Cleft Clinic and Tube Checkout

The girls had their annual cleft clinic appointment recently. We typically go in November, but we moved it up to include Addy's six month surgery checkup. As usual, I walked out of there feeling good but this time even more. There is a glimmer of hope. A faint, shining light. As we waited for the first round to come in, the girls (as always) found a way to entertain themselves.

Ha! Anyhow back to the glimmer. Most of you see how wonderfully Addy has adapted. How well she is doing. But the pictures don't show everything. Addy's speech is severely delayed. If I had to guess, I would say we do not understand about 99% of what she says. We have been in speech therapy since January, but it is definitely not something the happens overnight. She only has speech once a week for 30 minutes. I do not feel this is enough and talked in depth with the therapist at Cleft Clinic. She referred me to a clinic closer to our home and is the top in our area. With it being closer to home, we will be able to go more frequently and they will have longer appointments. It's time to get more aggressive. The downside is there is a wait list. But we are going in for an evaluation and then we will be waitlisted. I'm really excited for this opportunity! 

The Ava part of the appointment went ok, as well. She is due for her bone graft but we are in a battle with the insurance company right now. I'm hoping we will have resolution soon. However, the Dr. gave us a few other options if the insurance company doesn't cooperate. :) 

Other than these pieces, we are good for another year. 

The next day I took Addy in for her six month tube check up. They are both still in place and look great! I even got to use one of the little tools and saw the tube myself! Again, she found a way to entertain herself. Ha!

Both the girls are doing great! Stay tuned for next steps!

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