Saturday, November 8, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014!

I love that I'm 7 posts into November but I'm still blogging about October. This definitely is a little harder with two kids…haha!

Halloween kicked off Thursday night for the Ho's! And for this we are super thankful. Genoa moved their trick or treat to Thursday which was awesome because Friday was horrible weather. Super windy, rainy, and freezing!!!

As usual (since I was a wee little trick or treater myself), we headed to Grandma's. We usually meet up with the cousins. We met up with Jordyn. Jacey stayed home to pass out candy and Olivia and Morgan stayed at their house to go with friends. Everyone is getting older.

Daddy got into the dress up this year! He brought home all of his fire gear. So we had a police officer and a fireman. 

It took Addy Grace exactly one house to understand what was going on. My girl has a major sweet tooth so this may be her favorite holiday. She ran and ran from house to house. 

And guess who we ran into? Emmett! We ended up hanging with Superman and his parents for the rest of the time. 

It was a great time and we saw some super cool decorations. 

Halloween Day was super, super busy! I took the day off work so I could participate in the girls school festivities. 
First up! Addy Grace trick or treats at the hospital. This year the 3yr old class and up walked over to the near hospital and trick or treated to all the offices. Again, she knew it was exactly what was happening! Ha!

We even ran into Aunt Tammy…who gave her a HUGE bag of skittles…

Addy and her awesome teachers!

And I had to take a picture of her self portrait on the wall. She picked out everything to put on it. How sweet is this??

Next up…lunch with Ava Kate! We headed to Genoa lunchroom to have lunch with our big kindergartener. It was sweet chaos! We are the hit of the lunch table for sure. Haha! After lunch, we headed home and grabbed an hour nap. Bliss…

We then headed back to the elementary school for their Halloween parade. 
Mrs. Mullen (Ava's teacher) brought in her little fireman, Sawyer! 

And then our little police officer walked by. I absolutely love this picture! She is so happy!

The high school band was there and played all kinds of fun songs. Ava was able to get an early dismissal so she came home with us. 

There was also trick or treat in our neighborhood. We decided to give it a shot. We drove. They last 3 houses. And that my friends, is a wrap. 

Happy Halloween!

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