Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Art Museum Part 1 of 1,456

Winter is here. I know it's technically still fall, but when it's 35 degrees, that winter in my books. One of the bright spots in our winter months is we tend to visit the art museum more. So, be prepared to see quite a bit more art museum posts the next few months. Ha! 

Ava didn't have school on Tuesday due to parent/teacher conferences (more on that later). In casual conversation, we found out that our 2 BFF's didn't have school either! Three different schools and it lined up this way? Someone knew we needed this. The girls had a blast. The mama's and John had a great time catching up. And AG? Loved playing with the modeling clay. 

We had a few minutes to spare so we walked around a couple of the galleries before we left. I was pleasantly surprised when Ava shared with me after Sunday school that she shared with her teachers about the Jesus paintings she saw. This girl is getting cultured. 

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