Monday, May 19, 2014

We're going to China!

That's right! It's official! Flights are booked, itinerary is printed, and visa's are done. Let's go get our girl!

We fly out on June 12th and have a direct flight to Shanghai. We opted to spend a few days in Shanghai before we get Addy since it's Ava's birth city. We will be there Friday to Sunday and then fly to Nanning for the most important part of the trip.

June 16 = GOTCHA DAY!! Yep, my sweet Addy Grace will be in my arms to celebrate my 38th birthday. I don't know that I could ask for a better gift. Truly.

We will spend 5 days in Nanning before heading to Guangzhou for 6 days. A total of two weeks to complete our family.

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