Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Splinter

I know what your thinking. A post on a splinter?? Yes, trust me on this.

A couple of times during the day on Saturday, Ava was complaining that her hand hurt. She had fallen at soccer in the morning so I assumed she skinned her hand. Well about 8:00 I finally looked. And you guessed it. A splinter. So I explained to her what it was and what needed to happen. My Lawd, this kid melted. Now see I don't even cut her fingernails because I hurt her once and she won't let me touch them. So to take a splinter out???

Fast forwarded to acceptable people who Ava will approve.
Miss Kelly - In Chicago
Nana - And a school function
JoJo - With Nana
Aunt Tammy - Working

And then it hit me! Grandma Shirley! She is Amy and Sara's mom and is seriously one of the most gentlest people I have ever met. And Ava adores her. So I made the call, she wasn't home. I called Amy and she told me her mom was at Kohl's and to bring Ava to her and she would take it out. Ava agreed so we headed to Amy's about 8:30.
After about 20 minutes of picking and trying and sobbing, it was still in there. She was having a cow! So we decided to take a break. She was crying so hard and I went to pick her up to calm her down.

Me -- "You need to calm down because you are going to make yourself…." I didn't get to finish that sentence because she literally PUKED all over me. Down my shirt, puddled in my bra, everywhere. She managed to get it only on me and not on Amy's floor.

Amy sent me to the shower. I truly had no other choice. When I came down from the shower, Amy's husband was working on the splinter and Ava was smiling. Are you kidding me? After about 10 minutes, no luck. By this time, Amy's cousin had stopped over and she decided to give it a whirl. And guess what??? She got it!!! She is now on my speed dial for future splinter emergencies.

Ava -- "Mom, she is really good at that"
Yes, my love, she is.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Birthday, Emilee!

Ava was invited to her friend from school's birthday party! They put on a great party! There was a bounce house, face painting, games, and yummy cake! The theme was Monster High. All of the girls got their face painted as a character from Monster High, Ava got hers painted as Batman. My girl. :)

They had potato sack races for the parents! Daddy was a good sport, I stayed on the side to take pictures. Haha!

Happy Birthday, Emilee!


Friday night I had plans with a few close friends to have dinner with a another friend from high school who was in town visiting. Well, that's what I thought. Instead, I had my closest friends at El Camino throwing be a surprise baby shower!! I was so surprised! I truly had no clue!! We received some super cute gifts for the girls (yep, Ava made out too!)

And they even hooked up a super yummy donut cake!

These girls. My amazing friends! Thank you so much!! I love you all!

Date Night at The Zoo!

Friday night was BP Family Night at the zoo. John was working nights but Ava and I still went. We rode the train, the carousel, got Ava's face painted, enjoyed the playground, and saw a few animals. She wasn't as interested in the animals as playing! Haha!!

Fun night with my little pirate!!!

Graduation Luau

The day after the big ceremony Ava's class had a celebration Luau. I took the day off so I could celebrate with her and not have to rush back to work. We dressed her in her Hawaiian best. With a little prompting to wear a dress and a flower in her hair. Haha! Practicing her hula dance…

The kids played on the playground, painted faces (Daddy got a little involved with that, too!), played baseball, did the limbo, and enjoyed the beautiful day!

We took some time to snap a few more pictures with the teachers, our families and little Miss Aubrey, Ms. Ashley's baby. So adorable!!!

Preschool Graduation

Thursday marked a major milestone for our little Ava Kate. And the tears were a flowing. To the point that I had three moms come up to me afterwards to see if I was ok. Haha! John kept saying "it's preschool, what are you going to do when she graduates high school?" She looked so grown up. And absolutely beautiful.

The class came out and sang first. She kept yawning and waving at us. Ha!

After they were done singing, they went back and got changed into their cap and gowns. And then the good old march in. My word. 

"Ava Katherine Houghtaling"

A big thank you to the most amazing teachers! We love you, Ms. Jodi and Ms. Ashley!

We had a great support system! Thanks you everyone who came to celebrate with us!

Varsity Basketball Cheer