Thursday, November 8, 2012

iPhone Pics

Life has been really quiet lately...shhh...don't tell anyone we have extra time right now....
Although we are gearing up for a busy next couple of weeks.
Friday night we head to Findlay to see Genoa play Ottawa Glandorf. We beat Columbus Ready last week. Keep your fingers crossed that we keep up the winning streak!!
Ava has her first cheerleading competition this week. Say prayers for Coach Cari, Coach Staci, and Coach Jodi! They may be possibly some of the most patient people I have ever met. I'm sure there will be lots of pictures to follow!
Wednesday is surgery day for me. I am soooo not looking forward to this. I'm having my tonsils out and the horror stories are in full affect! But what a way to kickstart a weight loss plan! Apparently, I'm going to be laid up for quite a while. That's going to be hard for this social mom!!

Since everything has been quiet, I thought I would share some iphone pictures from the last few weeks. I love this kid!!

Ava's treat she took to school for Gotcha Day. Thanks, Pinterest! 

Making my own laundry detergent. Thanks, Pinterest! (pattern???) 

Yes, she has on shorts and a winter coat. This is what happens when you have an impromptu sleep over at Nana's. #FAIL 

Trick or treating with her friends from school.  

Shouting out like a rockstar while watching The X Factor.  

Hot Tubbing with Daddy 
 Sweet mail from our friend, Roz for family day!
 Making Mommy go broke while circling things in the American Girl catalogue...
 My little sticker girl!!

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