Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

First, let me say our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy.

We have spent the last week celebrating Halloween. A week...this is all thank to Hurricane Sandy. Yes, we live in Ohio. And yes, we were feeling the effects of the hurricane. Most of our festivities were postponed due to the bad weather. And I am super thankful because we had a beautiful night trick or treating!

Ava had a class party on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday was actually Halloween and we spent the evening carving pumpkins. Thursday was a low key day and Friday was trick or treating at school. And then Saturday was Genoa's trick or treating. I feel like it's Christmas with all the celebrating!! Haha!!

Yes, we know that we are completely horrible at carving pumpkins. I think next year, we will paint.

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