Friday, September 14, 2012

The Chore Chart

My apologies upfront...I simply could not get this picture to post to the blog correctly...

Recently I created a chore chart for little Miss Ava Kate. Not so much chores, as responsiblites. It's pretty basic, but the deal fill up the chart and I'll take you to Chuck E Cheese.
The responsibilites are:
Brushing her teeth before bed
Putting her dinner plate in the sink
Get dressed in the morning
Pick up your toys every night
Bonus: Eat vegetables/use good manners

Well, it's filled and I have to go to Chuck E Cheese. But look at all the good things she did!! So proud! We'll continue to use this. She is already trying to scam extra stickers because she put her plate AND her fork in the sink. Sorry, girlfriend, that counts as one...:)

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