Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Look what came in the mail today!

A fellow Shanghai family has experienced something no family should. And through their strong faith and family bonds, The Murphy family turned their story into a book. I follow their blog  and have even emailed with Lisa Murphy. There is also a blog dedicated to the book, so please feel free to check it out!  While I know many tears will be shed while I read this, I cannot wait to get started!!
May God Bless you Lisa, Jimmy, Madi, and Charlie!!


  1. Sara! I am shedding some tears right now!! How very sweet of you to blog about our book and Daniel's story!! Thank you so much for helping to spread the word. It means more than you'll ever know:)

  2. Oh...and I forgot to mention that the link is broken to our blog. I think because the actual url is I would love it if friends would also check out our blog. Thanks again so very much:)

  3. Of course!! I think you are an amazing family.
