Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend!!

We had a nice long weekend. John and I were both on Friday so we enjoyed a four day weekend!! Uncle George came up and stayed with us until Sunday and then we all headed back to Medina. Saturday we had a small get together. I didn't take too many pictures, but here is one that Ava wasn't too happy about taking. These are our friends kids, Celeste and Noah...

Uncle Mark and Aunt Kay stopped over and Mark taught Ava a new game in the pool...

Sunday afternoon we headed to Medina and went to visit with Gram. She was feeling pretty good so we went out to dinner. Afterwards we headed back to George's and the little boy next door invited Ava to come over for a ride. Some of the pictures are blurry because they wouldn't stop!!
This morning we went to breakfast and then went to the Medina town square for the annual Memorial Day picnic. Ava befriended a few veterans that were there to enjoy the parade. It was so sweet!!

Waiting for the parade to start.

We came home (and missed a major accident by about an hour, thank you, Jesus for keeping us safe) and relaxed the rest of the day. I'm happy to get back on schedules this week. Ava needs a good night sleep in her OWN bed!! She's been sleeping bad again and it's affecting this Mama hard core. Hope you had a great weekend!!!

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