Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!!

I love Mothers Day!! I had an awesome day with my little girl! John had to work all day, but we had a nice evening. Ava and I went with my family to Maumee Bay for brunch. It was really nice!

Grandma, my mom, Emily, Ava and I

My cousin Lisa, Olivia, Morgan, Ava and I

Me and my girl!

The little girls!!

After we were done eating, we drove down to the beach area and let Ava play in sand and put her feet in the water. She didn't want to leave. She kept saying "I want to play in the sandbox!" LOL!!

We came home and took a nice nap. I capped off the evening with a nice glass of wine, the hot tub, and my kindle. Ahh....

After we got in our jammies, we sat down and talked about China and Ava's birthmom. We read the book "Motherbridge of Love" and said a prayer. I'm so grateful for her! She gave me the greatest gift!!!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone!! Thinking of all the new mommies and celebrating their first Mothers Day! Lisa M, Sarah S., Michelle B., MP, and Rachel S. -- Enjoy!! We love you all!

God Bless!

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