Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend!!

We had a nice long weekend. John and I were both on Friday so we enjoyed a four day weekend!! Uncle George came up and stayed with us until Sunday and then we all headed back to Medina. Saturday we had a small get together. I didn't take too many pictures, but here is one that Ava wasn't too happy about taking. These are our friends kids, Celeste and Noah...

Uncle Mark and Aunt Kay stopped over and Mark taught Ava a new game in the pool...

Sunday afternoon we headed to Medina and went to visit with Gram. She was feeling pretty good so we went out to dinner. Afterwards we headed back to George's and the little boy next door invited Ava to come over for a ride. Some of the pictures are blurry because they wouldn't stop!!
This morning we went to breakfast and then went to the Medina town square for the annual Memorial Day picnic. Ava befriended a few veterans that were there to enjoy the parade. It was so sweet!!

Waiting for the parade to start.

We came home (and missed a major accident by about an hour, thank you, Jesus for keeping us safe) and relaxed the rest of the day. I'm happy to get back on schedules this week. Ava needs a good night sleep in her OWN bed!! She's been sleeping bad again and it's affecting this Mama hard core. Hope you had a great weekend!!!

Rocket Boost!!

Ava loves swimming! She has been in the pool everyday since we opened it!! Her new favorite? Rocket Boost!!

Morgan's Birthday Party

Last Saturday night we celebrated Morgan's birthday! 

It was a beautiful night! Good weather, yummy food, cake, and a pinata?? Yes, please!!

 Thanks for letting us celebrate with you!
Happy Birthday, Morgan! We love you!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

BP Night at the Zoo

BP hosted a family night at the Toledo Zoo on Friday night. We were there for hours and did things we hadn't done before. We didn't even get through the whole zoo! We missed the monkeys. :(

Riding the zebra on the carousel. She had to settle for this since we wouldn't let her ride the real deal..

Her favorite part?? Holding the guinea pig and brushing it. She kept calling it a bunny!

Her 2nd favorite part? Do it yourself face painting!

These next pictures crack me up!! They had little masks hanging...

We had a great time! It was nice to do the extras for a change...

Good Luck, JBV!!

My friend Jodi has decided to leave Owens Corning. She is going to pursue her dream and go back to school. We went to the Durty Bird after work to celebrate and John and Ava came down to help with the celebration. Ava and Jodi had so much fun dancing together!!

Best Wishes, Jodi! We love you and you better stay in touch!

Happy Birthday, Tiffany!!

Thursday was my dear angel friend, Tiffany's, birthday. Tiffany went to heaven in January 2011. She would have been 36 on Thursday. It's still so hard to believe. But we kept our tradition and went to the cemetary and celebrated our dear friend.

After the cemetary we went to dinner and had Wixey's cake. It was her favorite! I miss her so much, but celebrating her life makes me feel peace. But I had to share this super cute moment brtween Ava and Aunt Frannie. I work with Frannie and her and Ava adore each other! So sweet!!

Happy Birthday, Tiff!! I love you and miss you so much!! Hope your cloud is super fluffy!!

Baseball Day

This past week was baseball week at school. The kids got to dress up in their favorite baseball shirt and take in their favorite toy! Can you tell how thrilled she was that I was taking her picture?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

And Baby Makes 4....

Yep, you read that right!!
John and I have decided to expand our family. We have officially submitted our application for another China adoption. We've been talking about it for weeks and we decided to do it. There were so many signs that led us to our decision and we are beyond EXCITED!! I can't wait to share our journey with you.

John, Sara, and Ava

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Morgan's Kindergarten Program

It's hard to believe my little Morgan is done with kindergarten!! I remember the first time I saw her. She was a little blip on the ultrasound screen. Morgan invited Ava and I to her end of the year program. It was so cute!!

Not only was it Morgan's program, it was also her birthday! Therefore, she had been up super early so...
she was a little tired. When her class got up they sang "Going on a Treasure Hunt". How cute!!

Thanks for having us, Morgan! We really enjoyed it!!!

Mothers Day, Part 2

I forgot to add these pictures from Mothers Day. My sister and I got my Grandma the same card!!!
And here is my mom with her gift from us. We got her iphone cover with Ava's picture on it!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!!

I love Mothers Day!! I had an awesome day with my little girl! John had to work all day, but we had a nice evening. Ava and I went with my family to Maumee Bay for brunch. It was really nice!

Grandma, my mom, Emily, Ava and I

My cousin Lisa, Olivia, Morgan, Ava and I

Me and my girl!

The little girls!!

After we were done eating, we drove down to the beach area and let Ava play in sand and put her feet in the water. She didn't want to leave. She kept saying "I want to play in the sandbox!" LOL!!

We came home and took a nice nap. I capped off the evening with a nice glass of wine, the hot tub, and my kindle. Ahh....

After we got in our jammies, we sat down and talked about China and Ava's birthmom. We read the book "Motherbridge of Love" and said a prayer. I'm so grateful for her! She gave me the greatest gift!!!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone!! Thinking of all the new mommies and celebrating their first Mothers Day! Lisa M, Sarah S., Michelle B., MP, and Rachel S. -- Enjoy!! We love you all!

God Bless!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Pool Is Open!!

John opened the pool this week. Tonight when we got home, the temperature was 89 degrees. So the 2 crazy people that I live with took advantage! It's a little too cool for me to swim, but I got some pictures. Ava was STOKED!!!

I put on lickspick!

Dear Crayola --
I would like to sincerely thank you. You understand the audience that play with you products are younger and may not always use them for the purpose that was intended. Because of this knowledge, this....

literally came off in the tub without even using a washcloth! Brilliant!!

Bless you!!

A little girl who loves lipstick's Mama

Monday, May 7, 2012

Out of the mouths of babes...

I have to share a couple of things Ava has said to me lately. I'm cracking up at this kid!!

The drive home from work/school:
Ava: Mom, Ella was at school today, but EllaRozzie wasn't.
Me: I know! I'm sad Rozzie won't be in your class anymore. I love Rozzie!
Ava: Her your best friend?
Me: No, you're my best friend.
Ava: Mom, Miss Kelly said everyone is best friends.
(At least we know she is paying attention at school, :))

Driving tonight in the car and she is in the back seat eating a popsicle.
Ava: Here Sara, I'm done.

Getting ready to go shopping:
Ava: Mom, should I tell John we are ready to go?

Apparently, we are Sara and John now and not Mommy and Daddy. :)

Picnic in the Park

Last Thursday we had beautiful weather here in Northwest Ohio. So we took advantage and went on a picnic in the park. We packed up a bag, stopped to get Subway sandwiches and plopped down on a blanket. Ava struggled a little..."Why we eating on the ground?"

Afterwards she went over to play on on the toys!

You'll notice the black boots. Those have become a staple for Miss Thing the last few days. 

Um...Over Here???

I had to post this picture...If you look closely at the swingset in the neighbors yard, you'll see our little Ava playing. Yes, blew right past her brand new set and went to the neighbors!! Haha!!
Gotta love that kid!!

Varsity Basketball Cheer